Copies for Sale!  Scroll to the bottom for pricing.

Episode Name Episode # (as on Script) Version
Visitors Choice 7 Revised First Draft
A Reflection in Terror 9 First Draft
The Littlest Dragon 16 Revised Second Draft
The Overlord 9 First Draft
The Betrayal 12 Work Draft
The Dissident 6 First Draft
Breakout 3 (real ep) First Draft
The Deception 4 Final Draft
Scorcher 2 Revised Final Draft
War of Illusion 17 Final Draft
The Secret Underground 18 Final Draft (this is my fave ep)
"V" THE ORIGINAL Our first love! Third Draft dated 10/6/82
The Rescue 13 Work Draft
The Wildcats 15 Second Revised Final

Each copy of the Series Script is $10.00 American + $6.00 shipping/handling.  "V" The Original is $20.00 American + $4 shipping.  Shipping will be more if overseas.   Please note if you order more than one copy, shipping rates will change, just ask me.

You want one or more?!  Email me immediately at lizard.lady@mindpulse.com